Sim Settlements Power Bug

  1. Sim Settlements Power Bug Zapper

The main quest of Sim Settlements 2 gives you a reason to rebuild The Commonwealth. Play a pivotal role in its reconstruction while you learn the ropes of our settlement system along the way. Episodic Releases. Delve into the first chapter and gain a strong foothold for what’s to come. Future story content will be released DLC-style. Currently trying to do the In It For the Money quest, last thing i did was build the war planners desk and defend a scripted gunner attack and the objective just says help jammer or dont but when i try to talk to him and ask for suggestions for what to do next he talks about getting into the slave market but it doesnt lead to anything or update any quest objectives. Not sure if its bugged but.

Sim settlements power bug zapperBug

One of the most pervasive issues when upgrading to the Windows 10 Mobile Technical Preview is the SIM card not being detected.

Now Windows Insider chief Gabe Aul has given some insight and advice regarding the issue.

He said:

@wjafarrow The SIM detection bug is a race condition in setup. If you reset, in most cases it will work.

— Gabriel Aul (@GabeAul) April 16, 2015

A race condition occurs when a system attempts to perform two operations at the same time, but because of the nature of the device or system, the operations must be done in the proper sequence in order to be done correctly. In this case presumably the code which initializes the SIM is slower than the code that declares its absent.

Sim settlements power bug zapper

Sim Settlements Power Bug Zapper

Both a soft, achievable simply by restarting the device or a battery pull, or even better a hard reset is apparently a solution for much of what ails Windows 10 Mobile, and may be something TP users will need to get used until a more polish build is released.