Trivia Night Answer Sheet Template

Print answer sheets This page features answer sheets that you may be able to use if you are running a quiz to hand out to either individuals or teams for them to write their answers on. There are a variety of different formats, with the number of questions per round, number of rounds and number of rounds per page changing, and each answer sheet. QuizNightChief takes the hassle out of organising a Quiz Night Over 1900 Questions ( view categories) Add your own custom Questions; Team Answer sheets automatically created. Slide Show to project Questions automatically created. Quick and easy scoring. Automatically generate reports on how teams went! $40(USD) $40(AU) £25(UK).


Answer sheets are used for competitive exams, where the candidates have to fill them up as per a separate question paper provided to them. Answer sheets can also be used to run a survey or for evaluating something. Answer sheet template, available with us can be downloaded in different formats, which include Word, Excel and even PDF.

Trivia answer pads should be easy and fun. Our trivia answer pads come with plenty of room for answers and are included with every new sign up! We will send you plenty of pads to get you started with your new trivia software so you can play in style.

Team Trivia Answer Sheets

There are a lot of trivia games out there that give you printable trivia answer sheets – that’s just a lot of work. You have to print, cut, stack and they are all different shapes unless you are a great with scissors. You don’t have lots of extra time for printing trivia answer sheets! Sure there are plenty of trivia answer sheet templates out there but why work so hard? The last thing you want to be worrying about is prepping your trivia night answer sheets. That’s just too much stress and work for something that should be fun.

Trivia Punch answer pads are clean and easy to use. Simply peel off the trivia answer slips for each tam and the big pad is easily put away until the next round or game. Easy to store, easy to use and more importantly easy to look professional.


Answer Sheet Template 1-50 Number

When we set up a new DJ or Bar with Trivia Punch they automatically get a box with Trivia answer pads and we throw in our branded pencils as well. We even pay for the shipping! Trivia night should be fun and easy and this is just another way Trivia Punch is helping to improve trivia nights all over the world. Would you like some information? Fill out the form below and introduce yourself.

Quiz Nights can be great fun, they can raise a lot of money for good causes and they bring a community together for a night of enjoyable common experience.

Organizing (or Organising if you prefer) a Quiz Night however can take quite a bit of work and be confusing for the first time organizer.

The aim of this site is to provide information and resources to help your first Quiz Night go off without a hitch. Lets jump right into it and look at the overall structure of a Quiz Night.

Flowchart (Click Image To Enlarge)
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The Overall Structure of a Quiz Night is pretty simple.

People are arranged in teams, usually each team consists of between 4 and 12 people. Each team is given an answer sheet for the current round. The answer sheet contains a space for the team to write their name and a space for them to enter answers for each question in the round.

If there are 15 questions in the round the answer sheet will contain the numbers 1 to 15.

Usually the answer sheet does not contain the questions, just a space for the answer. Why not put the questions on the answer sheet ?

It's not a good idea to distribute the list of questions to all the teams because they will all go off at their own speed.
If every team is hudlled around their table waiting for the next question to be read out by the MC the Quiz is more of a group activity, people feel they are participating.
Answer Sheet (Click Image To Enlarge)Trivia Night Answer Sheet Template
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Trivia Night Answer Sheet Template

The MC (Mic Controller / the master of ceremonies / the person calling out the questions and telling everyone what is happening) calls out the questions for the current round, taking a short break after each question to allow the teams to confer and write down their answers.

'Ok, Round 3 question 4, What is the name of the official residence of the head of state of New Zealand ?'
The MC may need to repeat complicated questions or even spell out an unusual word
The MC can ask the participants
'OK question 4, am I going to fast ?'

At the end of every round the MC asks each team to bring their answer sheet to the scoring table.

When the MC continues on with the next round the scorers start scoring the answer sheets and tallying how many points each team is on.

Halfway through the Quiz you may wish to have a short break (10 minutes) between rounds to allow people to get up and stretch their legs. Also, if you don't have a leader board that is visible to the participants you might wish to announce the current 1st, 2nd and 3rd placed teams (any maybe the last placed as well :) )

If you've never run a quiz/trivia night, do a small trial run with friends and family

Trivia Game Formats

When all the rounds have been completed the MC will ask the participants to wait for five to ten minutes while the final scores are tallied. The MC will then announce the winning teams.