Henry Cow Unrest Rar

Henry Cow - Unrest. Aunt Sally - Aunt Sally. Arachnoid - Arachnoid. Chick Corea and Bela Fleck - The Enchantment. Bukowski, Charles - 90 Minutes in Hell. Henry Cow were an English experimental rock group, founded at Cambridge University in 1968 by multi-instrumentalists Fred Frith and Tim Hodgkinson.Henry Cow's personnel fluctuated over their decade together, but drummer Chris Cutler, bassist John Greaves, and bassoonist/oboist Lindsay Cooper were important long-term members alongside Frith and Hodgkinson. Unrest is the second studio album from avant garde rock act Henry Cow. Sax player Geoff leigh has left the band and new face is Lindsay Cooper (bassoon, oboe, recorder, vocals). Lindsay Cooper would also appear as a member of Comus on their To Keep From Crying album from the same year. Unrest is the second studio album from avant garde rock act Henry Cow. Sax player Geoff leigh has left the band and new face is Lindsay Cooper (bassoon, oboe, recorder, vocals). Lindsay Cooper would also appear as a member of Comus on their To Keep From Crying album from the same year. With UNREST, Henry Cow moved beyond the jazz-influenced sound of their first recording, LEG END, on to an album with two personalities - the composed pieces are definitely more `studied' in their compositions, and the improvisations feature a technique still evolving within the band, that of using the studio itself as an instrument of composition.The album opens with quite a catchy little.

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